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With the release of RD admission decisions on Friday, March 14th (late afternoon), we want to take a moment to say thank you—you are all extraordinary! You colored your emotions, brought back dated slang, and created your own estimation problems. You are truly among the most brilliant, ambitious, and academically qualified students in the world. It is a privilege to have shared in your ideas and accomplishments and to have gotten to know you better.

With the release of RD admission decisions on Friday, March 14th (late afternoon), we want to take a moment to say thank you—you are all extraordinary! You colored your emotions, brought back dated slang, and created your own estimation problems. You are truly among the most brilliant, ambitious, and academically qualified students in the world. It is a privilege to have shared in your ideas and accomplishments and to have gotten to know you better.

UChicago's Motto: Crescat Scientia; Vita Excolatur. Let knowledge grow from more to more and so be human life enriched.

Let Knowledge Grow from More to More . . .

UChicago is dedicated to changing the world by asking tough questions, conducting ground-breaking research, and cultivating a community of extraordinary scholars regardless of background or financial ability. Our prestegious tradition continues with academic excellence, numerous Nobel laureates, and new scientific discoveries.

UChicago students succeed beyond the classroom

With access to 4,500+ paid, substantive internships, unparalleled support in preparation for Medical and Law Schools, UChicago students find success in whatever field they pursue. At graduation, 99% of the Class of 2023 had a job offer or other substantive post-college plans. Learn more about UChicago Career Advancement.

Your Application is more than a Number

From every part of the world, students of varied origins come to UChicago to grow as scholars, thinkers, and people. Each goes through the same holistic application process.

happy students

Get to Know UChicago

Discover what makes UChicago a place of fearless inquiry, intellectual curiosity, and free expression all in the heart of a liberal arts college.

An Education Free from Financial Burden

UChicago provided over $200 million in financial support to its students in 2022, ensuring all students can attend UChicago free from financial burden. Streamlined financial aid and application processes, generous need-based and merit-based financial aid, and personalized career guidance grant you the freedom to fully immerse yourself in the enriching academic environment at UChicago.

navigating admissions podcast identity

Summer at UChicago

Discover the awesome course opportunities UChicago has for high school, undergrad, and international students in the UChicago Summer Session.

navigating admissions podcast identity

Navigating College Admissions

In our podcast series, Navigating College Admissions, we sit down with admissions experts to talk about the process of applying to college. Not just UChicago. Any college!

Information For

As your partners in this process, UChicago admissions counselors are dedicated to providing clear information, honest advice, and a respectful attitude.

You are a vital partner in your child's college search process. We recognize that as a parent or guardian you have unique concerns (and maybe even a little anxiety) about sending your child to college for the first time.

At the University of Chicago we partner with community-based organizations (CBOs) to help create college-going cultures in underserved communities.