Every year, the University of Chicago recognizes one of its many exemplary community-based partners through an award called the Community-Based Organization of the Year. Community-based organizations (CBOs) are absolutely vital resources and advocates for their students and invaluable partners to institutions of higher education. CBOs are organizations of their communities, for their communities, and by their communities. UChicago partners with hundreds of CBOs each year to provide students with opportunities to engage with admissions counselors and current UChicago students, connect them with information and resources about higher education and the college application process, and support them to and through college.

UChicago is excited to announce that this year’s CBO and Access Partner of the Year is Academic Success Program (ASP). ASP is an open enrollment, comprehensive college counseling program that provides college and career assistance for 100% of the senior class and guidance to underclassmen at 27 high schools throughout the DFW metroplex, Houston, and College Station. ASP has operated since 1998 and was established as Dallas ISD’s first college access program in 2006.
ASP uses a holistic approach to prepare students for college, addressing all barriers facing low-income and historically underrepresented students – not just educational and financial, but social and cultural as well. ASP College Advisors are housed within the high school campuses and work one-on-one with students and families. Using data, best practices, and drawing on their own experience, ASP developed its programming components to address the various college access needs and challenges faced by students. Students and families receive personalized college guidance based on their family’s needs, SAT/ACT preparation and registration assistance, parent meetings, writing workshops and college essay assistance, professional resume assistance, college interview seminars, college field trips, and financial aid workshops.

ASP sees it as their mission to facilitate their scholar’s success at institutions across the country that will support them in pursuit of their professional aspirations. ASP has 15,203 students enrolled at 577 institutions across the country. They have remained an active member of UChicago’s Access Partners Advisory Council and have partnered with several admissions officers on in-person programming for their students. We look forward to continuing to support their work in the future. We are honored to be of assistance to them, and excited to recognize them as our CBO and Access Partner of the Year.