The Inequality, Social Problems, and Change minor will offer students the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the nature of inequality as it takes shape in pivotal societal institutions and to formulate feasible pathways for reducing inequality and improving quality of life. The minor will prepare students to effect change by learning how to move from theory to action on social challenges related to their chosen profession. Course work in the minor is designed to complement the knowledge base students gain in their majors across disciplines. The minor will provide students with foundational knowledge about the causes and consequences of social inequality in its various forms, including economic, racial, gender, and class. All courses attend to social change, ranging from offering hands-on experience in addressing inequality on the ground level to interrogating the relative merits of concrete and empirical avenues for effecting change. Students will transform conceptual knowledge into action by learning about a range of strategies that can be used to address disparities. The minor will facilitate multilevel, multisystem thinking, with the explicit goal of effecting change to reduce social inequality and social problems.