Catalan and Portuguese are available as secondary languages for the degree program in more than one literature. A student wishing to complete a degree program in more than one literature may choose from either Spanish, French, or Italian as a primary language and Catalan or Portuguese as a secondary language.
Sample Catalan courses:
- CATA 21100. Català avançat: Llengua, societat i cultura.
This advanced-level course will focus on speaking and writing skills through the study of a wide variety of contemporary texts and audiovisual materials. Students will review problematic grammatical structures, write a number of essays, and participate in multiple class debates. - CATA 27917. Catalan Multipart Singing in Modern and Contemporary History.
To sing together “a veus” (multipart) has historically been an experiential way to build social groups. The aim of this course is to present this activity across Catalonia from the 16th to the 21st century, paying special attention to how multipart singing has articulated a large part of association and shared community life since the middle 19th century.
Sample Portuguese courses:
- PORT 10100-10200-10300. Beginning Elementary Portuguese I-II-III.
This sequence is intended for beginning and beginning/intermediate students in Portuguese. It provides students with a solid foundation in the basic patterns of spoken and written Portuguese (e.g., grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, sociocultural norms) to develop their speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills. - PORT 28818. Literature and Technology: Machines, Humans, and the Novel.
In his Scienza Nuova (New Science), Giambattista Vico writes that "the Egyptians reduced all preceding world time to three ages; namely, the age of gods, the age of heroes, and the age of men." What the Egyptians and Vico could not have predicted was that history had yet another age in store: the age of the machine. In this course we will pose anew the question concerning technology within the one field that Heidegger deemed akin to the essence of technology: art, and by deduction, literature. Together, we will trace the ecological, economical, and emotional footprints of various machines and technological devices (automata, trains, phonographs, cameras).
Students may also minor in either Catalan or Portuguese.